Saturday, April 30, 2016

The Brett’s Solar Story

Solar Ambassador Elaine Brett (middle with cap) opens up her house to a “Solar Home Tour” as part of a Solarize educational event. The Brett’s 3.36 kW grid-tied PV system meets all their electrical needs. Being grid-tied allows the Bretts to take advantage of DMEA’s generous net-metering policy, which credits customers for the excess energy their systems produce. Picture shows the solar hot water system on their garage. The solar photovoltaic system is roof mounted on the adjoining house.

Solar Ambassador Elaine Brett (middle with cap) opens up her house to a “Solar Home Tour” as part of a Solarize educational event. The Brett’s 3.36 kW grid-tied PV system meets all their electrical needs. Being grid-tied allows the Bretts to take advantage of DMEA’s generous net-metering policy, which credits customers for the excess energy their systems produce. Picture shows the solar hot water system on their garage. The solar photovoltaic system is roof mounted on the adjoining house.

Elaine and Jim Brett just finished their inaugural year as Solar PV customers, in their net zero home. Their solar panels sit atop of their also recently completed home, on the outskirts of Paonia. Elaine said of her experience “in deciding to build a new house, we wanted to incorporate energy efficient designs and materials and we wanted to minimize the use of fossil fuels. It was the perfect opportunity to install PV solar and solar hot water panels. It’s a little different way of living than what we were used to, but we are enjoying the benefits.”

The Brett’s 3.36 kW grid-tied system was completed by Solarize Delta County partner installer, Empowered Energy Systems of Hotchkiss. This is smaller than the national average size of 6kW due to the fact that their sustainably-designed, moderately-sized home requires less energy than a typical home. Still, they have managed to produce all of the energy they’ve consumed this year! A feat shared by many other solar customers all over Delta County.

Jim and Elaine are pleased by how easy solar was to integrate into the building process and even more impressed by how low (or no!)  maintenance the system has been. Often times all you might need is a good spring rain to wash them off!

The Brett’s show off their new PV system! Optional system monitoring is a great way to keep track of your PV system production and operation. With a real time web based interface, system monitoring allows homeowners to view daily energy production as it happens or go back to review historical production results. Each monitoring system has a secure portal for customer login and privacy.

The Brett’s show off their new PV system! Optional system monitoring is a great way to keep track of your PV system production and operation. With a real time web based interface, system monitoring allows homeowners to view daily energy production as it happens or go back to review historical production results. Each monitoring system has a secure portal for customer login and privacy.

In general, the most interaction they have with the system is using its remote monitoring technology. Available on a computer or via a smartphone app, at any moment the Brett’s can instantly see how much energy their system is generating, view their net energy usage for the month, and much more (besides being a fun, interactive tool to show curious neighbors!).

Looking back on just the first year of a 25+ year lifespan of their PV system, they are thrilled with their decision to “go solar” as both a financial and environmental investment. Elaine and Jim have joined the Solarize effort as Solar Ambassadors to share their solar story. Solar Ambassadors are critical to the community work of Solarize Delta County, volunteering to share their skills and passions to empower their neighbors to go solar, the solarize way.

To receive more information about “going solar” and to participate in Solarize Delta County, learn about upcoming educational events, or volunteer your skills and passions, please reach out to the Solarize Team at or call

970-527-7567 x 213.   Ask about the tiered community rebates!  

Deadline to register and receive a remote site assessment is July 15th! Sign a contract by June 1st to receive a $250 credit to remote monitor your new system!

The post The Brett’s Solar Story appeared first on Solar Training - Solar Installer Training - Solar PV Installation Training - Solar Energy Courses - Renewable Energy Education - NABCEP - Solar Energy International (SEI).

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